Hero photograph
Photo by Murray McKenzie

👨‍🍳 Food Committee Meeting 🥧🍝

Murray McKenzie —

Took place on Wednesday the 18th of May in the Senior Lounge.

Two representatives from each of the year levels in Years 10 - 13 attend this meeting once a term with our Head Chef (Rex) and his Assistant (John), in the company of Mrs Cecelia Lake (Matron) and Murray McKenzie (Head of Boarding).

The boarders on the committee are: Jack Ramsey & Alex Arnold (Year 10), Jack Verry & Jay Wilson (Year 11), Mac Russ & Johno O'Brien (Year 12), Thomas Verry & Luke Haddon (Year 13).

As always, the feedback provided by the boys is constructive as a review is undertaken of all meals from breakfast through to evening supper, with suggested improvements and recommendations considered if within budget. Minutes are recorded and posted on the noticeboard for all to see.