Hero photograph
Photo by Lynnette Ross

🕌 Eid 2022 🕋

Hamish McKelvie —

On Wednesday the 10th of August, the HBHS Multicultural Manaaki Centre celebrated Eid al-Adha at an after school function. The celebration began with a series of speeches from MMC students, our Head Boy, Cayden Buitendach, and Headmaster, Mrs Hassall.

To provide some background, Eid is an Islamic holiday which cherishes the value of sacrifice, and this was a recurring theme brought up by the speakers - even the smallest sacrifices, like giving up spare time to study, can lead to long-lasting rewards.

After a prayer, we tucked into a delicious meal that had been prepared by the boys and mentors from the MMC. The event reflected the vibrant, tightly knit community present at the MMC, and was a great success all round.

The celebration wouldn't have been possible without the ongoing support of teachers, students and parents, as well as the expertise of Deputy Head Prefect and Leader of the Academic Committee, Levi Pruden, who organised and MC’ed the event. 

Photography by Mrs Lynnette Ross.