Welcome to the Term 2 Argyle House newsletter
Kia ora koutou, Argyle whānau,
We are now into the final four weeks of Term 2 which is traditionally the busiest time of the winter term with sports exchanges, cultural and arts festivals, follow-up from junior exams and the reporting on the academic progress of our senior students in the day school. It can be a challenging time for many of our boys and staff as winter sets in.
We are all very proud of the positive way in which the boys have handled the change to winter temperatures, fewer daylight hours, the various school pressures as well as taking part in their own co-curricular activities. They have all managed themselves extremely well in what is a very settled Hostel environment.
School Ball
The annual HBHS Ball is being held next Wednesday evening, 22nd June, at the Wintec Atrium. Only Year 13 students may attend. Doors open from 7.00pm and close at 7.45pm. The last dance is scheduled for 11.15pm and the Ball concludes at 11.30pm.
As the Duty Masters at Argyle and Grove are off duty from 10.00pm and the Hostel has bedded down for the night, all Year 13s that attend the Ball will be required to find alternative accommodation for the evening. This has always been our policy and the boys have been given advance notice. All Year 13s will be required to return to the Hostel by 8.00am the following morning, ready to complete their normal school timetable. It is a special occasion, organised by the Cultural Committee Prefects of HBHS, which celebrates all Year 13 students' final year at HBHS. The theme is 'Night at the Casino’'.
HBHS Open Day
The HBHS Open day is scheduled for Tuesday 28th June. This is a very special day where the school showcases all that it has to offer both in curriculum and co-curricular areas.
Set Leave: Matariki
The second Set Leave for Term 2 is for Matariki, the new public holiday. Matariki is being celebrated on Friday 24th June, so Argyle and Grove will close at 5.30pm on Thursday 23rd June, with parents and caregivers able to collect their son from 2.15pm on Thursday. We look forward to seeing all our boys return safely on Sunday evening 26th June when the Hostel re-opens from 5.30pm, with all boys expected to have returned by 7.30pm that evening, or by 8.00am the following morning.
Year 9 2023 Placements
37 families have received acceptance letters for Year 9 places in 2023, with a further 14 on our waiting list. The calibre of applicants was extremely high once again, which bodes well for next year. Five of the 37 accepted have a current brother boarding in Argyle House.
Intentions for 2023
If your son is currently in Years 9 -12, then please download, print, scan and return this Intentions Form (see below) to Mrs Katrina McLaughlin by Friday 2nd September. This will allow Hostel management to determine how many places need to be filled for 2023. Applications for Years 10-13 2023 Hostel places close on Monday 19th September 2022 with interviews arranged to fill the gaps thereafter. The prompt return of your Intentions Form is essential to enable the Hostel to offer placements for Years 10-13 as early as possible. Thank you for your support.
Matthew Allen Cup
The Senior Leaders, Prefects and Junior House Leaders are doing a tremendous job leading the boys and running the Matthew Allen Cup events, in conjunction with Senior Master, Mr Rahiti Teokotai-White, that precede the school House competitions. The Matthew Allen Cup competition between Bennett and Sutherland began as a one horse race with Sam Potter’s Sutherland House leaping out to a 10-0 lead, only for Liam Anderson’s Bennett House to claw their way back into the competition winning the last two events, giving an overall lead to Sutherland by 10-4.
School House Competition
Argyle placed 1st overall in Cross Country, 4th in Volleyball, 1st overall in Tug-O-War and 5th in General Knowledge. This keeps us in 2nd place overall in the House standings after 8 events, 4 points behind the leaders Wilson House. We have Chess, Indoor Football, Indoor Rowing, Service, haka and Singing to look forward to in Term 3. The boys need to be practicing their chess skills over the holiday break! The final event of Term 2 is House Basketball, which commences on Wednesday 15th June.
Hostel Reception Phone Problem
We are currently having a problem with the main Hostel reception phone receiving calls outside normal school hours, especially over the weekend. It is not isolated to the Hostel as the school is having connection issues as well. It is frustrating for Hostel staff and parents and has been occurring for some time with an engaged signal when you try to call in. In the meantime, if you need to contact the main Hostel office over the weekend or in the evening during the week, then feel free to text or call me and I will pass the information on to the Duty Master, as many of you are already doing. My mobile is 021 516 477. If it is not urgent, then please email the Argyle desk at argyle@hbhs.school.nz with your request.
Final Day Of Term 2
The end of the school term concludes on Friday 8th July. You are free to collect your son from 2.15pm through until 5.30pm when the Hostel will close for the term, at both Argyle and Grove. There will be no evening meal on the final day of term.
Staff Only Day, Term 3
This is scheduled for Monday 25th July for all staff at HBHS. Argyle House and Grove will re-open from 5.30pm on the 25th July. We will expect all boys to have returned by 7.30pm on Monday evening evening, to ensure a settled start leading into their first day of school on Tuesday 26th July. This includes those boys that usually return on a Monday morning during a regular week, to ensure a settled start to the new Hostel term on the first day of school. Thank you for your support with this request. A reminder to please use Orah to state your son’s return day and time for the start of the new term. This is also a safety issue, particularly those seniors who are returning in their private vehicle. Thank you.
Ngā mihi
Murray McKenzie
Head of Boarding
021 516 477