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🗣️ Year 10 Speech Finalists

Bernadette Dobbyn —

Congratulations to our speech finalists.

Last term, our 530 Year 10 students presented a speech to their classmates and English teacher. The best speeches were then selected and those 20 students represented their class in the speech semi-finals. The finals of the speech competition took place early in Term 3. The five finalists presented their speeches in the Year 10 assembly and deserve huge congratulations for both their courage in standing before their peer group and for producing such engaging, varied material. 


Khalid Ahmed (1st place), Jasper Goldsmith (3rd place), Izak Theron (runner-up), Cooper McLean (2nd place), Blake Gundersen (runner-up).

Congratulations also to the following semi-finalists: 

Ollie Shallcrass, Bennett Mareroa, Jerome Byrne, Zach Easton, Luca Mayall, Edward O’Connor, Harshil Vansia, Gaebriel Gamble, Keo David, Jack Mear, Jai Poonia, Kfir Rayhin, Japheth Mathew, Kershin Habib, and Nathaniel Liju.