Hero photograph
Cultural Committee at the 2021 Ball
Photo by Kate Laurich

Cultural Committee 2021

Timothy Evans, Captain of Arts 2021 —

This year in the Cultural Committee, we got the opportunity to revive the Arts within our school after last year's unfortunate series of events putting a stop to most of the major events organised by the Committee.

We started the year ready and willing to get stuck in with our main event, the Year 13 Ball. Our 007 theme went down a treat, and might I add it was one of the most memorable Senior Balls in the Waikato this year. Personally, watching the massive mosh pit jumping around the DJ the whole time was extremely rewarding and was a great sign that the work our Committee put in this year went above and beyond the call. We also ran the conjoint HBHS/HGHS Talent Quest and were blessed with a packed hall, filling every corner of the room. The crowd loved watching the best talent we had to showcase, and the whole night was a wonderful exhibit of our Boys’ High flair. Though we did not win the night, our boys represented us very well and kept HGHS on their toes. I’m sure we’ll pip them next time.

It wasn’t all wonderfully presented evenings, though. In the tradition of the beloved ex-staff member Mr Botting, the Cultural Committee, accompanied by other eager senior students, spent our autumn at the Fieldays. We kept the car park in working order from dawn till dusk, literally. There is nothing like a murky 5 AM start to make you wonder, was the white shirt worth it? I can confidently say it was. In the mud and rain, what prevailed was the enthusiasm and good humour of the group. The money raised for the Arts was a nice bonus as well.

The Cultural Committee this year, consisting of (from the left of the photo) Dean Ralph, Takoha Lunjevich,  George Ballard, myself, Matthew Lee, Robert Hoskins, Jarvis Buckell, and Moses McGoon are all incredibly grateful for the opportunity we had this year to shine a light on the Arts and Culture to the highest degree yet. Of course, we couldn’t have done it alone. Our many thanks go to Mrs Ali Lennan, Mr Mitchell Clement, and the incredible Mr Tim Dent. These three, along with all the staff in the Languages, Arts, and Music Faculty, put in countless hours of real hard work which helped us make our mark. Though many of the events planned for the end of the year were unable to go ahead, what we achieved in the first two terms was due to the passion and drive of all those involved.

From myself and all of the Committee members, we hope that we were able to inspire those to come to think about what they might do with their time on the Committee. I can’t wait to see what future students are able to achieve and hope that one day I might return to HBHS to see even further growth and success from the Arts and Culture within our school.

Many thanks 

Timothy Evans

Captain of Arts 2021


Tim Evans — Image by: Wendy Moffitt

Name: Tim ‘Timothy’ Evans

Committee: Captain of Arts and Leader of the Cultural Committee

Quote: "Somebody sedate me"

Favourite Memory: Purposefully causing administrative problems for executive staff...

Future Ambition: Achieve enlightenment through illegitimate means...

George Ballard — Image by: Wendy Moffitt

Name: George 'The Rock' Ballard

Committee: Cultural

Quote: "I've got a gun." - Mr Moore

Favourite Memory: Mr Spicer's pep talks, Mr Spicer...

Future Ambition: Find employment with a design degree...

Robert Hoskins — Image by: Wendy Moffitt

Name:  Robert 'Bob' Hoskins

Committee: Cultural

Quote: "Do you know what spifflicate means? I suggest you don’t wait around to find out." - Mr West

Favourite Memory:  Almost falling out of the roof into the middle of a Year 9 Assembly...

Future Ambition:  Beat Mr Fletcher at bridge...

Matthew Lee — Image by: Wendy Moffitt

Name:  Matthew 'his… friend' Lee

Committee:  Cultural

Quote:  "I'm a banana. Yellow on the outside, white on the inside.”

Favourite Memory:  Spreading the agenda...

Future Ambition:  Total world domination...

Moses McGoon — Image by: Wendy Moffitt

Name:  Moses 'Eshay' McGoon

Committee:  Cultural

Quote:  "Die for the crest."

Favourite Memory:  Year 10 Tech Metal with Mr Roughton...

Future Ambition:  Get a rugby contract offer just so I can reject it, then go work at the meat works with all the boyz...

Dean Ralph — Image by: Wendy Moffitt

Name: Dean 'Deanabean' Ralph

Committee: Cultural

Quote: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take - Wayne Gretzky” - Michael Scott

Favourite Memory: Listening to Mr Roughton's stories in Year 10 Metal Tech...

Future Ambition: Learn how to play the piano...