Daniel Popping — Jun 17, 2021

Over the last two weeks, two Year 12 and two Year 11 OE classes ventured to a local maunga, Karioi.

Both classes summited Karioi on day one before descending down into an area of the bush where they would stay in bivouacs for the following two nights.  The first night was in groups, the second was solo.  Tasks over the three days included lighting fires from flint to purify water, navigating through thick bush, and partaking in multiple bush survival scenarios.  The two trips were a stark contrast from one another.  The Year 12s experienced stunning conditions and the Year 11s had torrential rain for three days.  The Outdoor Education Department would like to pass on a special thanks to Mr Winslade, Zac Corban and Raglan Rock for their assistance on the trip.

Below are some of the highlights and learnings.

“My highlights were probably the views at the top of Mt Karioi, chilling with my mates around the campfire at night, and playing manhunt.  To be honest, the shower when I got home was really good, along with some Maccas.  Overall the whole experience was pretty good.”  Jacob Lucey

“One thing that I learned on the trip was how to make a bivouac and to never pack too much when you're going hiking because it makes the hike hell.”  Karepa Mataira

“I learned that even when you feel like giving up there’s always an end to the struggle so you just have to keep pushing forward for the end result.” Cameron Rickard

“I have more than one highlight.  One of them would be standing at the lookout and seeing far across the North Island, all the way down to Mt Taranaki.  My second one was waking up on the second day and seeing the beauty of the place that we were staying at for the first time.  My third one was getting back to school and going to the nearest water fountain and glugging heaps of water.”  Aiden Davies

“My highlights were just the laughs climbing up the mountain, watching heaps of my mates slip over.  Another highlight was watching the blood moon on a soft patch of grass with the lads while listening to some slow music.  But I think the best highlight was making it to the top of the summit and just seeing one of the most beautiful views I've ever seen. It was something amazing and I will never forget it.”  Caylus Brighouse