Hero photograph
Photo by Murray McKenzie


Murray McKenzie —

The Harmful Effects and Consequences of Vaping

As I mentioned in my Term 1 newsletter titled ‘The Harmful Effects and Consequences of Vaping’, there is a nationwide concern for teenagers who are experimenting and/or have become addicted to nicotine as regular vape users.

The article outlined what vaping is, why teenagers vape, the harmful effects, signs of your son vaping and what you can do to support your son.

Despite articles to educate your son and frequent reminders at weekly House meetings, we have had ten Argyle House boarders involved in varying levels of vaping in the Hostel, or off-site while in our care, over the latter part of this term. Two boys are no longer residing at Argyle House as a result of their actions, with others receiving a Hostel stand down for a designated period of time.

Can you please remind your son that vaping on-site at Argyle House, or in possession of utensils, juice or vapes, could put your son's place in the Hostel in jeopardy. Your support in sitting alongside your son, taking him through the attachment below, would be greatly appreciated by all Hostel staff.