Murray McKenzie — Jun 11, 2022

Was held in the HBHS Gymnasiums 1 and 2 on Thursday 26th June from 7.30 - 8.30pm.

This annual event usually occurs within the first three weeks of the new Hostel year, as part of the new boarder induction programme, but was postponed due to COVID-19 disruptions.

Head Prefect, Thomas Verry and his team of Argyle House Year 13 Prefects and Senior Leaders, were very pleased with how the evening went, due to the care and detail that went into planning the many different team activities across the two gyms, and their delivery of them. Their management skills were put to the test as they ran their activities, with the assistance of the Sonninghill Year 13 Prefects and Senior Leaders. The most popular event was the girls vs boys Tug-O-War!

The evening concluded with a hearty supper in the Gymnasium foyer, before Sonninghill departed at 8.45pm. A fun evening was had by all.