🏴 Matthew Allen Cup Volleyball 🏐 🏆 ⚫

Rhys Laker —

On an exciting Tuesday night on the 6th of May, the annual Matthew Allen Cup volleyball took place. Much to the boys' excitement this ran from 6:30pm to 7:30pm to ensure only one session of prep was held. Bennett needed a win to start their comeback and give hope to their boys while Sutherland were looking to ice their cake early, making it a 12-4 lead. Teams of 8-10 boys were smartly drafted by Tom and Henry, the House Leaders in each year group with matchups we had never seen before, making it an exciting evening. Bennett from the start set off hot winning both the Year 9 and 10 games giving them a 2-0 early need only needing to win 3. Tom Martin's Sutherland house wasn't the ones to give up and before no time the score was tied 2-2 with only the Year 13 game to be played. Jesse Kara versus Stefan Newman was a matchup on the cards, however, a stand-out performance from Jack Paterson for the Sutherland team was the deciding factor. A comeback was produced and the Matthew Allen Cup score was 12-4 in favour of a very confident Sutherland house.