Hero photograph
Photo by Wendy Moffitt

A Message from the Headmaster

Susan Hassall —

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau,

As we reflect on the term we have shared, and read of all of the wonderful achievements of our young men this term, we must feel so grateful. Grateful that, in spite of the many challenges we have all faced, we have been able to share many of our normal activities and realise many of our goals.

And we must all feel grateful for the resilience our students and staff have shown in the face of disruptions to learning, with over 750 of our student community, and over 40 staff, having contracted COVID at some time through the term.

I am proud of the response of our very special staff, who have worked so hard this term to maintain the normal momentum of this critical first term of the year. Because of their support and care, we can end Term 1 with a sense that we have won through, and that we have established a platform for continued success.

During Summer Tournament week I was fortunate to witness first hand the qualities and strength of character which make Hamilton Boys’ High School students so special. While all teams who competed in our colours over the week displayed these qualities, I was able to travel to Lake Ruataniwha to be with our rowing squad, who, like so many of our young sportsmen, had suffered through an interrupted season and endured many setbacks.

During the week, several students tested positive for COVID, necessitating changes to crews and in some cases, the scratching of crews who had qualified for finals. It was so impressive, and indeed moving, to witness the courage shown by all crews, and the support given by the squad to all affected. It is truly only in times of adversity that we see the very best in ourselves, and these young men showed the true spirit of our school in their response.

We remained dominant and resolute and finished the week in superb style as the top boys’ school in New Zealand and winner of the coveted Maadi Cup. For me, it was a privilege, and it reminded me, once again, of why I am so proud of our boys and their absolute understanding of what it means to be ‘a band of brothers’, as Shakespeare so poetically named the spirit of togetherness of a group of men.

As you read through this High Achiever, this sense of togetherness is reflected in so many of our achievements, in so many of the ways in which the young men care for each other and for the school, and in the many ways in which you, as parents and extended whānau, make such a difference.

Thank you all for your continuing, significant contributions. In the past weeks, I have met many of you on the sideline, as we shared the experience of trials for winter sports, and it is with excitement that we can look forward to Term 2. It is a term of consolidation in the classroom, of winter sporting codes getting underway, and of the pleasure of moving to inside assemblies once again, where we will be able to profile the stunning cultural strength of the school of 2022.

I wish you all a very happy and optimistic holiday over the next two weeks, as we begin by recognising the symbolism and the blessing of Easter, a time of renewed hope and happiness in the possibilities of our future.

Enjoy some relaxed time with your sons, as they take time to prepare for a positive and exciting term ahead.

I look forward to sharing the term ahead with you all.

Ngā mihi nui
