Hero photograph
Photo by Murray McKenzie

🏴 Housekeeping Issues 👕 ⏰

Murray McKenzie —

Unnamed clothing and weekend return times.


Over the holiday period, can you please check that all clothing items are numbered and initialled with a black sharpie pen. Lagi, our Laundress, has two full baskets of clothing that are not numbered, so these items are unable to be placed in your son's laundry cubby-hole. 

These clothing items remain unclaimed, despite being laid out on the laundry table each morning as the boys come in.  


Can you please make a conscious effort to have your son return to Argyle or Grove no later than 7.30pm on a Sunday evening. 

Some boys are returning well after this time, in some cases at 8.30-9.00pm. 

The reason for the 7.30pm return time is to allow for a settled Hostel as the boys return, unpack and then settle down in their prep space to prepare for the forthcoming week, during the regular prep time from 8.00 - 8.30pm. Likewise on a Monday morning. The return time is before 8.00am. Boys are continuing to return after 8.00am when the Duty Master has been around and locked the Hostel from 8.10am. Your support in adhering to the times above, as stated in the Argyle Manual, would be greatly appreciated by the Hostel staff. Thank you for your support.