Hero photograph
Photo by Murray McKenzie

🏴 2024 Argyle and Grove Term Planner (Calendar), Terms 1 - 4 🗓 & Argyle Manual 2024

Murray McKenzie —

Please find attached below the key Hostel dates for 2024, including Set Leaves and the school term dates. The 2024 Argyle Manual is also attached below which has all the rules and routines associated with life in the boarding house, as well as the contact details of Hostel staff. Both these documents can also be found on the school's website under the 'Boarding' tab.

Key Hostel dates 2024

There will be two in-weekends for all new boarders, with designated on-site and off-site activities scheduled as part of their induction process. 

Activities will include Mountain-Biking, Luge/Gondolas, Paintball, Movie night, Rainbow’s End, St Paul’s Collegiate challenge in Tug-O-War and Swimming, HBHS Gymnasium & Pool, Tabloids evening with all boarders, town orientation.

All new boarders are to arrive when their year level is scheduled to return.


Sunday 28th:

4.00 - 5.00pm: Years 12 & 13 Senior Leaders and Prefects arrive at Argyle & Grove, checking in with the duty master.

6.30pm: Off-site activity organised for all Years 12 & 13 Senior Leaders and Prefects.

Monday 29th (Auckland Anniversary Day): 

2.00 - 4.00pm: Year 9 and Year 13 boarders arrive at Argyle & Grove, checking in with the duty master.

Afternoon tea will be served during the duration of this period

4.00pm: Whakatau, welcome, outline of the first three weeks.

4.45pm: parents, caregivers and whanau to have departed.

Tuesday 30th: 

First day of school for Years 9 and 13.

5.30 - 7.30pm: Year 10 boarders return to Argyle.  

Wednesday 31st:

First day of school for Year 10.

Year 13 students depart for Leadership Camp (overnight stay).

5.30 - 7.30pm: Year 11 boarders return to Argyle.  


Thursday 1st:

First day of school for Year 11.

Year 13 students return from Leadership Camp.

5.30 - 7.30pm: Year 12 boarders return to Argyle.

Friday 2nd:

First day of school for Year 12.

All year levels are at school today.


Sunday 11th: 

Hostel Parents/families BBQ, Matthew Allen Cup Swimming Sports event. All parents, caregivers, whanau and friends are welcome to come along. 

Wednesday 14th:

HBHS Swimming Sports. All parents, caregivers and whanau are welcome to attend.

Friday 16th: 

New boarders will take weekend leave for the first time. 

This is the first Set Leave weekend of 2024. Both Argyle and Grove will close at 5.30pm on Friday 16th February and will re-open from 5.30pm Sunday 18th February.