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Hamilton Boys' High School

He Mātai Whetū

Welcome to the Term 2 Week 8 edition of He Mātai Whetū for 2024. This is our weekly newsletter that provides you with all you need to know for the upcoming week. Remember that this is a live document which is updated as new information comes to hand.


The weekly newsletter of Hamilton Boys' High School

by Wendy Moffitt

What you need to know for the week beginning Monday the 17th of June, 2024.

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Upcoming Events: Term 2 - Week 8

by Wendy Moffitt

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Uniform traditions and our HBHS Sikh Community 🇮🇳 🇳🇿

by Dan Bair

Assistant Principal, Mr Dan Bair, explores the history behind one of our most enduring uniform traditions.

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👨‍🎓 Scholarship Examination Entries

by Michelle Coursey

Entries are due Friday, 21st June.

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40 Hour Challenge

by Liam Weston

Get involved, or get behind our students as they go without for 40 hours to help re-green countries affected by climate change.

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Street Talk Defensive Driving Course at Hamilton Boys' High School

by lynnette Ross

If you already have a restricted driver licence, you can complete a defensive driving programme. This will reduce the time required to sit the full licence from 18 months to 12 months. It should also ensure safer driving on our roads.The first course starts on June 18th at Hamilton Boys' High School. Please book directly through the company using the details below.

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👨‍🎓 University of Otago Law seminar at HBHS

by lynnette Ross

This will be held on Tuesday, June 18th in the HBHS Study Centre (A block) at 6.30pm. Meet our fantastic law lecturers and hear about studying law at Otago.

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St John Ambulance visit

by lynnette Ross

If you are thinking of a career in the health sector, becoming a First Responder or a Paramedic is a rewarding and exciting job.

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👨‍🎓 Wintec Open Day

by lynnette Ross

Advance notice of the Wintec Open Day.

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Board of Trustees Staff Acknowledgements

by the HBHS Board of Trustees

The HBHS Board of Trustees would like to thank the following staff for their efforts in the previous week.

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🍛 Winter Kitchen

by Life Plus Trust

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The meaning of He Mātai Whetū

by Mita Graham

Matua Mita Graham, who gave us the name of this publication, explains the meaning behind the title of our weekly newsletter.

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