by Naaz Shah

HBHS Hockey Umpires Report

This week's session with Bevan Nichol was both inspiring and insightful. His journey from HBHS Hockey to premier international umpiring showed us that time and effort put into your chosen field results in amazing experiences and achievements, with his own being of awe-inspiring merit. We are all so grateful for his wealth of knowledge that he kindly shared with us, providing a greater understanding of the game that we so enjoy, and we cannot wait to learn more.

The students in the Hockey Umpires’ Academy at HBHS have had a very successful year, umpiring at various levels during the hockey season. From primary to club level, we have had our young men do a great job of not only assisting other schools, but also umpiring for our school teams at the junior level.

This year we were very fortunate to have international umpires Anna Billing and Bevan Nichol share their expertise with our young men and enable them to understand the game in greater depth from an umpiring perspective. Our students were able to do a practical session with Anna, which was followed by a very interesting classroom session with Bevan Nichol.

The interest in umpiring is growing amongst the students, and I look forward to an exciting 2023, with the continued support of both Anna Billing and Bevan Nichol

A special thank you to teacher in charge, Mrs Naaz Shah, for all of her work in support of us.