Staff versus Prefects Football Match
Director of Sport, Mr Aaron Scott, has grown used to proudly displaying the Tucks Trophy on his desk, awarded to the winner of the Staff versus Student Football match, which is traditionally contested on the last day of Term 3. If he was concerned about losing it, he need not have been, as the Prefects were trounced 7-1 by a Staff team which may have had a few guest-teachers-for-a-day. The match was played in great spirits, and was watched by a sizeable crowd this Friday lunchtime.
The Tucks Trophy is named after former Head of Science, Mr Andrew Tucker, who provided immeasurable service both in the classroom and on the football field in his 31 years at HBHS. As is the tradition, he returned to preside over the presentation to the winning team captain, Mr Elton Snell. We also saw a new addition to the HBHS trophy cabinet in the form of a shield designed and created by Mr Andrew Simmonds, which is to be presented during each Staff versus Prefects contest. Captain of Sports Sam Keightley got his hands on it, only to then have to present it to Mr Aaron Scott!
Photography by Mrs Christelle Cloete and Ms Wendy Moffitt.