Myles Landon back row at right by New Zealand Herald

HBHS Old Boy heads to Paris

Myles Landon, now at the University of Canterbury, is off to Paris with his team to compete in the iGEM Grand Jamboree in October.

Congratulations to Myles Landon on being a member of the only New Zealand team set to travel to Paris in October in order to present their concept for a rapid detection device that can pick up a common infection in cattle.

For more on Myles and his team, click here.

Thank you to the New Zealand Herald for their coverage of our high achievers.

Mrs Sharnay Bury by Photolife

HBHS staff member celebrated at Waikato Lacrosse Awards Evening

Congratulations to Mrs Sharnay Bury on this acknowledgement of all she has achieved with our HBHS Lacrosse team.

At the Waikato Lacrosse Awards Evening, Teacher in Charge of HBHS Lacrosse, Mrs Sharnay Bury was given a Lifetime Membership for all she has achieved in this sporting code. At HBHS this includes regional and National titles, and we congratulate Mrs Bury on this most deserved acknowledgement.