The HBHS NZSS Year 9 Road Race Relay team with their bronze medals

Year 9 NZSS Road Race Relay

A third place finish for our boys in some gusty weather saw Jack Stirling, Max Stirling, Noah Wells, and Levi Christensen come third in the country for this event on the 5th of September.

The Year 9 race, as the name implies, is open to only Year 9s, and consists of four runners each running 2.5km in a circuit.

With some last minute sickness meaning Jacob Liu had to pull out, Max rejoined the team after only a few weeks out with a broken foot, to complete the team. The strong field tested our team but the boys stormed home to take the bronze.

Jack Stirling then represented the Waikato Bay of Plenty on Friday in the regional relay.  The same conditions as Thursday produced a different result with the WaiBOP team winning gold for the Year 9 relay.

Congratulations to all and a huge thanks to Glenn Stirling for taking control of the event.