Presentation Tickets
Our school-wide presentation is only 3 weeks away. We hope you have all kept Thursday 8 September 7pm start free. Everyone is practicing hard and it is going to be fantastic!
Tickets are now on sale at the school office for our performance at Burnside High School Aurora Centre.
Tickets are $8 per ticket. Harewood School tamariki do not need a ticket purchased as they will all be sitting on the stage as a group.
You may purchase tickets at the school office using EFTPOS or cash. If you don't come into school there is the option of emailing to request tickets and pay for them via internet banking. Tickets will then be sent home with your child once I see the payment has been made into our bank. Our bank account number is 12 3149 0315397 00.
We are trialing the use of Skool Loop for permission slips for trips and will be using it for the permission to take the whole school to the Aurora Centre for the rehearsal. Thank you to those who have already filled it in via Skool Loop.
Can all school families please download the Skool Loop app and send your permission in through this. It costs nothing to download. If you turn on notifications you will know when we have put through a new notice. No paper copies will be getting sent home.