Key Competencies
Key Competencies are the capabilities people have, and need to develop, to live and learn today and in the future. They encompass knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values.
Over the next few weeks I will be outlining each of the Key Competencies, an important component of our New Zealand Curriculum.
There are five key competencies:
- Thinking
- Using language, symbols and texts
- Managing self
- Relating to others
- Participating and contributing
The Key Competencies are not separate or stand-alone but integrated into every learning area. Competencies need to be demonstrated – they require action. We endeavour to develop these competencies in our students and hope you will support their development outside of school too!
Each newsletter I will give an outline of one competency
Managing Self is associated with self-motivation, a “can-do” attitude, and with students seeing themselves as capable learners. It is integral to self-assessment. Students who manage themselves are enterprising, resourceful, reliable, and resilient. They establish personal goals, make plans, manage projects, and set high standards. They have strategies for meeting challenges. They know when to lead, when to follow, and when and how to act independently.
There are so many ways Managing Self can be demonstrated. Here’s just a few:
· Carrying, packing and unpacking their own school bag
· Being resilient and positively handling situations that do not go their way
· Working on independent learning tasks
· Using their WITS
· Choosing to sit where they are focused and not distracted
· Recognising and asking when help is needed with learning