Hero photograph
P3 parking
Photo by Julie Greenwood

P3 Parking

Julie Greenwood —

P3 drop off Pick up zone has been installed on Harewood Road just west of the Harewood Primary School gate.

The  P3 parking restriction operates between 8.30 am to 9.30 am in the morning and again in the afternoon from 2.30pm to 3.30 pm.  Outside these times the P3 zone will be unrestricted. 

The purpose of the P3 Zone is for parents to set down and pick up waiting children and then move on again. This will create a safer and more efficient morning drop off and afternoon pick up. 

It would be a good idea to arrive at the P3 just after 3pm in time for your children to be at the gate waiting. You may need to go around the Waimakariri Road/Watsons Road block until your children are ready to be picked up. 

It will also work better if you drive up as far as you can in this area.

If you want to leave your vehicle, talk to friends or visit the School please do not park on the P3 zone.