Hero photograph
Seesaw Apps
Photo by Erin Gribble


Erin Gribble —

During lockdown, we used Seesaw differently to how we usually would. This has caused some confusion, which the following information will hopefully help to clear up.

Seesaw has two different apps; the Seesaw class app and the Seesaw family app.

The class app:

Ākonga (students) use this app at school. During lockdown, ākonga also used this at home and used a home learning code to log in. As we no longer ask ākonga to use Seesaw at home, this app is now only used at school. Ākonga use this app to post to their Seesaw journal.

The family app:

Whānau (family) use this app. This app shows you what your child posts to their Seesaw journal and allows you to make comments on their posts. At the beginning of the year, you were given a QR code to log into your child’s journal. Once logged in, you should get notifications whenever your child posts something to their Seesaw journal.

Click on this link for the Seesaw Help Centre to see answers to some frequently asked questions, including how to change your notification settings, and how to download an archive of your child’s work.

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or email Erin Gribble (Harakeke Team Leader) at gribblee@harewood.school.nz.