Julie Greenwood — Feb 23, 2023

In our last newsletter I included information about the use of the P3 parking area. We are still having issues with parents coming before the end of the school day and parking in these spaces. This is not the purpose of the area which is designed for quick drop off and pick ups. If you need to get out your car to go into school it is also not where you should park. If you are waiting more than 3 minutes you must move on to allow other families to use this area. We will be actively reporting all vehicles who are not using the area in the way it is designed to make drop offs and picks up quick and easy. We know the children take a few minutes to get out after 3pm so please if you are early, park somewhere else. Let's work together to make this area work better for more families.

Today I have gone with Alistair Campbell and our Year 6 ākonga to camp at Arthur's Pass. I am looking forward to the opportunity to connect further with these students who are in leadership roles across the school. Each year our Year 6's participate in a 3 day, 2 night

A big thank you to the parents who have been coaches or managers for our Touch Teams this year. We would not be able to give this large number of children opportunity to participate or to enter as many teams as we do without parents support. Thank you for this. All touch shirts should be washed and returned to school in a named bag.

Last Friday our school community raised $470 towards schools impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle. It was lovely to have our students keen to show that "others matter" and "we succeed together" through doing this. Ka rawe! (Awesome!) I know how much Christchurch Schools appreciated the support that came from schools across the motu to enable our tamariki to have some fun activities post earthquake. 

Thank you to families who have contributed food for our emergency boxes. In an emergency it is so good to have things on hand that we can use.