Logo by Julie Greenwood

Values and Whakatauki

Our school values were initially introduced in our school in the mid 2000's and are significant in our school. In 2018 we interviewed whānau during 5 on the Hour Conferences about our vision and values. Our values were strongly endorsed by our whānau.

School Values

Our school values are integrated throughout our school. In 2017, after consultation with our Kahui Across School Lead and with Ngāi Tahu, we added a whakatauki to support each value. 

They are:

Respect - Whakaute

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tāngata, haere whakamua.

Care for the land, care for the people, go forward

Responsibility - Kawenga

Haere taka mua, taka muri; kaua e whai

Be a leader not a follower

Honesty - Pononga

He tangata kī tahi

A person of a single word. One whose statements are consistent.

Kindness - Ngākau atawhai

He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai.

If kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive.

Initiative and Independence - Kakama me te Tino Rangatiratanga

I orea te tuatara ka puta ki waho.

A problem is solved by continuing to find solutions.

As part of our naming document we have been gifted a school whakatauākī 

Kia Tāwera kia pūkauri te tū

Shine brightly, achieve your aspirations

(Lynne Harata-Te Aika, Ngāi Tūāhuriri )

Teams also have whakatauki which they are currently learning.