Information Booklet by Harewood School

Te Kura o Tāwera Names for Learning Spaces

These names have been gifted by mana whenua, Ngāi Tūāhuriri, to give mana to the many mature native trees at Te Kura o Tāwera.

Each name talks of the attributes of the Harakeke, Kahikatea and Mataī plants which the school strongly connects with. 

The first building you see when entering the school, peeping through the trees, is the office. This has been named to link with the morning star, Tāwera

Below are listed the spaces and the meaning of the name:

Office                     Pīata             to be shiny, bright, polished, glossy.

Library                   Kaurapa       To extended sideways - like the buttress roots at the base of a Kakikatea  

Resource room  Harareka General name for the harakeke leaf and the plant itself

Multi-purpose room    Taumatanui      Old camp easement near  Waimakariri

Harakeke Team

Rito    Centre shoot, young centre leaf of the harakeke, new harakeke shoot

Whā      The leaf of the harakeke plant

Muka    Prepared fibre from harakeke

Matai Team

Whatutoto      Heartwood of a mataī

Pāpākiri         Bark of the mataī

Pia                Sap of a tree

Kahikatea Team

Koroī   Fruit of the kahikatea

Ngāpara   Resinous wood