Board of Trustees
Gafa Tuiloma — March 4, 2025
Kia ora koutou,
Wow, just like that, we are already five weeks into the school year and welcoming Autumn!
Last month, we held our first Board of Trustees meeting for the year. It was great to hear about our progress in implementing the curriculum refresh. The Board recognises and appreciates the tremendous effort that has gone into this.
As a Board, we keep a close eye on the academic performance of our school. The Overall Teacher Judgement for 2024 in Reading, Writing, and Maths shows that our tamariki are achieving at a high
level. We are proud of their accomplishments across all subjects and grateful to our teachers for their dedication in finding and applying strategies that strengthen student results.
While we know success looks different for each family, we encourage early and regular whānau engagement, as this is crucial to our tamarikis success.
A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of being part of our first mihi whakatau for the year. This is always a highlight for me, as we welcome our new students and whānau to our school. It was wonderful to see such a great turnout from our new whānau.
Every three years, our school holds elections for the School Board of Trustees. We will share more details in upcoming newsletters. We expect the elections to take place in Term 3. In the meantime, please think about whether this is something you could contribute and commit to. If you are interested or want more information, feel free to chat with our Principal, Kate Christie, or me at
Thanks for your ongoing support and involvement in our school community. We are excited about the school year and look forward to engaging further with you to make it a fantastic one for our tamariki.
Ngā mihi nui,
Gafa Tuiloma