PTA Cake Raffle by Harewood School

Parent Teacher Association

Harewood SchoolOctober 18, 2022

Wednesday Nov 2nd - Athletics Day

PTA Bake sale & Cake Raffle

Cash only so come prepared $$

We would love all families to participate in our annual Bake Sale, you can do this by either donating or purchasing some delicious home baked goodies. This is a great way to support our school and show off your fabulous baking skills.

Please bake pre packaged sale-size goods. Cookies, slices, fudge, brownie, crackers, cupcakes etc. All items will need to be dropped off in the morning of the bake sale to Taumatanui.

This year we are running the bake sale a little differently. We will be be open during lunchtime 12-1:00 and after school from 3pm. This will give all our families an opportunity to purchase some delicious home baked goodies. Children will not be able to buy any items without a parent/guardian.

Cake Raffle tickets will be sold during the course of the day with images of all our cakes uploaded onto our school Facebook page in the morning. So don’t forget to purchase your tickets to be in to win your favourite cake!

We will also have hot cheese rolls available to purchase at lunchtime.

If you are wanting to participate in our Epic Cake Raffle by registering a cake please contact Alicia for more information.

Once again there will be a fabulous prize for the ‘best all round cake’ judged independently.

We will also be holding a second hand uniform in the same space after school, we’ve had lots of donations come in so it’s worth having a look and stocking up on what you need.

Thanks in advance for all your support

Ngā mihi nui


Thanks for your support!

Alicia Ballagh 

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