Athletics Day 2021 by Julie Greenwood
Julie Greenwood — October 10, 2022
We love having parents support our school Athletics Day, and have made some changes to how the day will operate this year so please read this article to stay informed
Wednesday 2 November (Week 3) p/p Thursday 3 November
Student Check
Hair needs to be tied up.
Sunblock will be available for top ups.
Named drink bottles will be stored in age group bins on field.
ALL students to wear a sunhat and protective clothing.
School uniform (polo shirt, shorts, or culottes) is to be worn – navy blue sport shorts for the seniors.
Junior girls who only have a dress can wear school top and some plain shorts
Parents please check that students have medication at school (especially hay fever/asthma).
Changed Format this year
Long Distance is run at end of day
Two sections - A Senior (Y4 to 6) rotation focusing on athletics disciplines as per North Canterbury/Canterbury competition regulations and then a Junior (Y0 to 3) rotation focusing on movements building towards the senior competition skills.
There are two moments when the two sections combine
A Senior group and a junior group at the Sprints at the same time
A Senior group and a junior group come together to do a shared game for one rotation
35 minute rotations/smaller groups starting at 10.00am, lunch at 12.20pm, restarting events at 12.45pm.
We are asking for any adult helpers (morning and afternoon shift) to travel with the children around events and help at the station.
This organisation does rely on having parents willing to help out including being in charge of an event. Please click on this Adult Helpers link if you are interested. Contact Alistair Campbell if you want more information.
Competition Information
Children need their own water bottles for the event. Please make sure they are named.
Please ensure all clothing, (especially sweatshirts and hats) is named.
Children will move around in their year groups.
School uniform is to be worn – navy blue sports shorts for the seniors.
Bare feet option only for high jump into sawdust and long jump. No other jumping or running without shoes.
We will post the timetable for the day closer to the time.
Children remain at school until the 3pm bell.
Alistair Campbell Sports Coordinator