Hauora Research

He waka eke noa. We're all in this together. 

ITP Hauora Research showcases current health and wellbeing research from Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs) throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Curated by the NZIST Research Futures: Health & Wellbeing workstream, the publication aims to inspire collaborative research by raising awareness of expertise and innovative projects across the sector. 

  1. Foreword – Volume One, Issue One

    Welcome to the inaugural issue of ITP Hauora Research. Read more…
  2. Research devoted to reducing sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) among Māori leads to Royal Society Te Apārangi prize

    EIT: Māori are over-represented in SUDI deaths in New Zealand, in part due to exposure to the combined impact of smoking and ... Read more…
  3. Education in new consumer-centred mental health and addiction treatment aims to increase graduate uptake

    Toi Ohomai: Manatū Hauora has identified the need to develop a resilient and diversely skilled mental health and addiction services ... Read more…
  4. Child-to-child vision screening test proves you don’t have to be an expert

    Otago Polytechnic: Due to a lack of a comprehensive vision screening programme, some New Zealand school children who need glasses for ... Read more…
  5. Study shows hunters are poisoning their families with lead-laced meat

    NMIT: New Zealand hunters and their families inadvertently consume lead bullet residue resulting in elevated levels of lead in the ... Read more…
  6. Evaluation of partnership will ensure health graduates are fit to serve Pasifika community

    Wintec: The approval of K’aute Pasifika's new Pan Pacific Community Hub has created the momentum for the Waikato Institute of ... Read more…
  7. Bachelor of Nursing Māori programme determines how best to integrate te reo

    Whitireia: Manatū Hauora increasingly requires health services to demonstrate a greater commitment to tikanga Māori and te reo. ... Read more…
  8. Rural midwifery survey uncovers key factors for sustainable service provision

    Ara Institute of Canterbury: The provision of rural maternity services in New Zealand has long been marred by a lack of funding and ... Read more…
  9. Study aims to improve quality of life for end stage prostate cancer patients

    Unitec: Lutetium therapy, proven overseas to significantly improve quality of life for patients with advanced stage metastasized ... Read more…