Hero photograph
Photo by Katy Smeele

Heaton Ski Camp 2022

Katy Smeele —

A fantastic camp with a fabulous team.

This year's ski camp to Porters was on the 16 and 17 of August, and we had the most students ever attending, 27. (Mrs Smeele had to sleep on a sofa, but she said that she didn’t mind). When we first arrived on Tuesday, it was raining. It was very strange being on the mountain skiing in the rain, but after an early lunch, it cleared in time for the lessons. We had blue skies all afternoon.

The evening was so much fun in the lodge. We had a special guest speaker, Anna. She came and talked to us about ski touring and safety in the backcountry. She brought all her equipment with her, that we were allowed to touch and try out. It was amazing to see how much she could pack into her backpack.

Dinner was really yummy, burgers and chips followed by ice cream and chocolate topping (that we were allowed to help ourselves to - awesome!)

Following dinner, we had the Heaton Ski Camp Quiz - each round was followed by prizes, and for a teacher that has lots of information about how bad sugar is, she sure did provide us with a lot of treats.

Day two of skiing was even better than the first day. We had the same instructors and they were awesome and everyone felt that they had improved so much. We had a barbeque lunch and every single sausage was devoured, even the vegetarian ones.

We returned to Christchurch happy and very tired. Thank you, Mrs Smeele, for organising and a big thank you to the Dads that were our parent helpers Mark G, Glenn R, Stu W, John O, Nick B, and David G.