Hero photograph
Photo by Office @ Heaton

Year 8 Ski trip to Mt Hutt

Office @ Heaton —

When we arrived at school you could feel the excitement and nerves in the air. As we lined up to get our jacket tags, the hall started to fill with bright colours of everyone's ski equipment. We soon got on the busses, and after about an hour, we could see the beautiful view of Mt Hutt.

As we rode up the mountain, there were a lot of scared faces, but once we arrived we all admired the amazing view and the fresh layer of snow. It was easy to say the skiing conditions were perfect.

At the ski hire it was a mad scramble, but once everyone had got their gear, it was time for our lessons. Our instructors were really friendly, and were experienced with our levels, as some of us started at the chairlift and others at the magic carpet.

By the time we had finished our lessons it was time for lunch. We all piled into the cafe, bought ourselves some hot chips or slushies and sat down with our friends. After almost half an hour of chatting, we were all hurried out of the cafe and back out onto the slopes. Where everyone ran around trying to find their skies which had magically disappeared.

Once everybody had located their skies, we all split off into small groups and set off up the slopes. The afternoon was a bit more relaxed, everyone was either skiing with friends, playing in the snow or taking pictures of the breathtaking view. But sadly at 2:30pm we all trooped into the ski hire to return our equipment, then we climbed into the bus, and began our long journey back to school.

We know that everyone was very grateful for this experience, and would like to thank all of the teachers and parents that helped organise this fun and exciting day.

By Pippa & Emily - Room 11