Boss Phanpho — Mar 30, 2019

April 29 - May 3 (week 1 of Term 2)

In a comic book context, do you know what borders or gutters are? Would you recognise a word balloon if you saw one? What about sound effects or motion lines?

These are some of the elements that a comic book author has to think about when they create their masterpiece. Saturday 4 May 2019 will be World Free Comic Book Day (WFCBD) and this event is observed throughout the world to celebrate all things to do with comic books!

Here at Heaton, we will have a week-long focus on all things comic books leading up to WFCBD 2019. This is done to help promote reading and creating of comic books as a literacy and artistic skill. 

Details on what we will be doing will be shared in the coming days and weeks. Keep an eye on the daily notices for further information or come to see me if you have any suggestions. 

One thing I can reveal is that there will be a dress up day based around the comic book theme. On Friday 3 May, the entire school (teachers included!) will come dressed up as a comic book character. There are more characters to choose from than just superhero ones too!

So start planning and think about which character you will become. Perhaps use the holidays to put a costume together. Will you come as an individual or a team? Marvel or DC Comics? Harry Potter or Star Wars? Asterix or Tin Tin? Naruto or Dragonball Z perhaps? Any character that has appeared in comic book form counts!

Mr. Phanpho, Comic Book Enthusiast