Hero photograph
Photo by Ross Cooper

We need your feedback - Community Communications Survey

Ross Cooper —

“Are we doing the right things and doing things right?”

Kia ora / Kia orana / Malo e lelei / Talofa lava,

As a school, we are asking for community feedback about how well He Tīwai Mātauranga/Heaton Normal Intermediate School communicates information to parents / whānau / caregivers. The information from the survey will help the school think about better ways to communicate with our community.

You are invited to fill in a Community Communications Survey. You can complete this online via the link below.

The survey has 8 required questions and should take about 5 minutes to fill in.

The survey closes Wenerei/Wednesday 21st Hune/June.

To complete the survey click the following link: Community Communications Survey.

If you require a printed copy of the survey, please request a printed copy via an email to: admin@heaton.school.nz

Ngā mihi nui ki a koe and many thanks for your time and feedback.