Hero photograph
Photo by Office @ Heaton

Andrea Knight, Principal

Office @ Heaton —

Kia ora whānau

Welcome back to all Year 8 students and their parents/whānau/caregivers. I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing break in the great weather we are continuing to experience.

A very special welcome to our Year 7 students, new Year 8 students and their parents/whānau/caregivers. We hope you have a wonderful time being part of our school community. In your two years with us, we will continue to develop students’ learning in literacy and maths as well as provide them with specialist teaching in science, PE, food and digital technologies, visual art, performing arts and Te Reo Māori for Year 7s. There are many opportunities for students to opt into across a wide range of areas and I recommend all students get fully involved in as many of these as you possible. Starting a new school, is also a great opportunity to make lots of new friends.

The first few weeks in a new school can be a bit daunting for some students so please let your child’s teacher, house leader or myself know if you have any concerns at all. No concern is too small. Please email us or make a time through the office to have a chat.

You can access the daily notices through our website. This is a great way of keeping in touch with what is happening in the school on a daily basis. Our fortnightly newsletters should also be very helpful.

You will see we have included our Heaton values in this newsletter. These are the foundation of how we all treat each other at our school. We look forward to working together in a mutually respectful partnership with you to provide the best possible education and learning environment for our students.

Welcome also to our new staff to our Heaton team. Emily Caygill, Adelaide White and Steve McAtamney are teaching Year 7 classes and Kelsey Knipshild is teaching a Year 8 class. 

Nga mihi

Andrea Knight, Principal