James Griggs, Tumuaki/Principal
Kia ora koutou
It's hard to believe this is the final newsletter for 2023. A year has simply flown by, and we have so much to celebrate.
I am pleased to advise you we have appointed Monica Prinsep to the position of Sports Co-ordinator for 2024. Monica comes to us with a wealth of sporting administration and coaching experience, and we are looking forward to having her here on our team. Monica will be taking over from Kate Henderson, who has been superb this year in managing the complexities of sport at Heaton.
Sadly, this week we will farewell Mr Richard Oswin, who has been a musical legend in the Christchurch community for as long as many can remember. Tessa Olivier will be filling these very big shoes both here and at Elmwood Normal School as Richard moves on to a well-earned retirement. We also farewell Courtney Laifa, who will be taking up a new position at Paparoa Street School in the new year. We wish you all the very best for the next part of your teaching journey. We also welcome back Adelaide Wilson and Becca Baynton to the teaching team for 2024.
Our new classes will be ready to go for the new year and the foundations are underway for the new specialist block. Today we had landscapers planting around the new buildings. It is so wonderful to see areas of the school coming to completion.
As I think back over the past 12 months, there are many highlights to reflect upon. Our whole school production, Tūhono, Koru Games, our work with Dr Audrey Tan on teaching mathematics, moving into fresh new teaching spaces and completing our playground and courts. A personal highlight for me has been the engagement of our Student Council and watching these young people develop the confidence to express their views and thoughts. I would like to thank these students and, in particular our Head Students, Alex, George, Lola and Oscar, for their leadership throughout the year.
As ever, I am enormously proud of the team that works tirelessly to achieve the very best outcomes for our students. It is a real privilege to work alongside them on a daily basis and I would like to thank them for their efforts. I would also like to thank our Board of Trustees for the support and expertise they provide for the school.
2024 promises to be an exciting year. We will continue our work on teaching mathematics with Dr Tan and introduce the new English curriculum. We will continue to progress through our current strategic plan ready to launch into community consultation in the latter part of 2024 to set the direction for the next 3 years. Thank you to all those who contributed to the consultation for the Relationships and Sexuality Programme. Given recent media coverage stating that the new government has set this as a priority for a shake-up at the National level, we will make any necessary changes for 2024 based on both the new Ministry expectations and your feedback, once we have the finer details. As in any post election year, educational change is definitely on the horizon; however, I am confident our team can adapt as required and continue to put our learners at the forefront of any decision-making.
Finally, we farewell our Year 8 students and wish them all the very best for the future. Visitors and relieving teachers who come to our school often comment on how amazing our students are, and this is is a reflection of the community they come from. I hope you all have a wonderful summer. The office opens back up on the 25th January and we are looking forward to 2024 and all that it may bring.
Nga mihi nui
James Griggs, Tumuaki/Principal