Hero photograph
Photo by Office @ Heaton

40 Hour Famine

Kit Clarkson —

Every year Heaton Intermediate encourages students to sign up and get involved in the 40 hour challenge. The 40 hour challenge is a world wide event that world vision created to raise awareness and money for people who desperately need it. This year all the money that is raised will go towards getting fresh clean water for people in need. There are a couple things you can do to get involved.

The main thing you can do to help is taking part in the 40 hour challenge. To do this you pick a challenge that would be difficult for you like 40 hours without talking, technology or furniture. Then you start collecting donations, you can ask your friends or family to donate to you. You can collect the donations in the 40 hour booklet or on the website. To donate on the website you sign in with your heaton email. Another thing you could do is bring a donation on the non uniform day next week. There is also a house challenge where the house that raises the most money gets the Heaton Rhodes shield.

Harriet Room 20