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Photo by Office @ Heaton

Beanbag beans needed

Office @ Heaton —

Dear Heaton parents, caregivers and friends. Did you used to have a beanbag? Did the cat 'rearrange' it, or did the kids use it 'creatively'? Unsure how to recycle the beans?

The PTA is keen to donate some bright new beanbags to the LRC, to accompany the few already there.  In an effort to make our funds spread further, we are seeking donations of bean bag fillings. We intend to purchase some high quality covers, to match the existing beanbags. 

We are reaching out to our fantastic Heaton community to help us upcycle unneeded beans. Please contact Claire, clairearthurs@gmail.com, if you are able to assist. Many thanks for your help! 

Claire Arthurs, PTA