Hero photograph
Photo by Sue Sugrue

Movember, Room 16

Sue Sugrue —

Movember is a movement that began in 2003 to promote awareness around Men’s health. During the 30 days of November, men who support the cause put down their razors and go without shaving. The Movember Foundation is an international organisation that promotes the awareness of men's health, especially: mental health and suicide prevention, testicular cancer, and prostate cancer.

At the end of October, Room 16 challenged Mr Williams to take part in Movember. He agreed to take part, being the great teacher that he is. Room 16 then voted on the style of facial hair that he was to grow during Movember. It was a close race between a handle-bar moustache and a beard, but as you may have noticed, the beard won.

Mr Williams has set-up an account through the Movember Foundation (https://nz.movember.com/mospace/13403941) and we, as a class, have already raised over $202. However, we don’t think that that is enough. 

We want you to support our cause by donating to the Movember Foundation, and by discussing Movember and men’s health in class and at home.

We all have men in our lives who could use our support. Fathers, brothers, granddads, uncles, friends of the family. It’s often hard for men to talk about their problems, and I’m sure we all know some man in our lives who just won’t go to see a doctor no matter how ill he may be. Well, we are raising money for him.

Over the coming week, students of Room 16 are going to visit classes to raise your awareness of the various health problems that men face. Then, on the Friday the 25th of November, we will hold a Moustache Day. On that day, we encourage the students of Heaton to come to school in a moustache and give a gold coin donation to the Movember Foundation.

At lunchtime on that day, Room 16 will hold a fun run. We will sponsor a male in our lives and run six laps of the Heaton field. SIX. That’s the number of years that men die earlier than women. Teachers and students are welcome to join us on our run.