Hero photograph
Year 7 Jellie Park Pool trip
Photo by Anne-Marie Grigg

Year 7 Jellie Park Pool trip

Anne-Marie Grigg —

To celebrate the end of the year, a day trip to Jellie Park on Wednesday 18th December is planned for all Year 7 classes. Students may wear mufti on that day.

We will be travelling by bus, leaving Heaton at 9:15am and returning to school by 3:00pm.

Students have the option of either a swim, or swim and hydro-slide. The cost of the swim is $8, and swim/slide is $15. (These costs include the cost of the bus.)

To order your child’s place on this trip, please go to www.mykindo.co.nz and purchase a swim only or a swim/hydroslide package. Orders must be received by Friday 13th December.

If you have any queries, please contact your child’s class teacher.