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Photo by Office @ Heaton

Board of Trustees

Office @ Heaton —

The NZEI has advised the Heaton Normal School Board of Trustees that the principal and teachers at our school will be taking strike action on Wednesday, 15 August 2018 for the day.

As a Board, we stand behind our teachers' and principal's efforts to improve pay and conditions.  People within the education sector need to be respected as professionals, paid properly, and be allowed the time they need to focus on leading and teaching.  This is key to attracting and retaining high quality teachers within the profession, including at our school, for the benefit of our students.

The Board has carefully considered the availability of teaching staff, and unfortunately decided that we can't provide the normal teaching services during the strike.  It's important that you make alternative arrangements for the care of your child/children on the day of the strike.

If this is difficult, we can still supervise a small number of students if required.  Please contact the class teacher if your child/children will need this.

I know that this is inconvenient for parents and students alike, but please be assured that student safety is our main concern.  Thank you for your understanding.

Please contact Andrea Knight if you have any queries relating to this decision.

Bridget Frame, Chair Board of Trustees