Hero photograph
Photo by Jane Boniface

Introducing Te Kāmata, the new name for our school library!

Jane Boniface —

Haere rā LRC, haere mai Te Kāmata!

We are excited to announce that our library space, formerly known as the LRC/Learning Resource Centre, will henceforth be known as Te Kāmata, the name gifted to us by Ngāi Tūāhuriri in the Cultural Narrative Naming Document from Mātauraka Mahaanui.

Kāmata = tree tops, branch/leaf tips.

From the Cultural Narrative Naming Document:

“The [library] is at the centre of the courtyard. It could be seen as the top of the tree, branching out over the rest of the school, providing resources to students such as a tree that provides fruit, flowers and habitat to the creatures in its environment.”

So a new name, but same purpose:

Te Kāmata contributes to the school’s vision of developing students who are confident, respectful and motivated lifelong learners by providing specialised library services, programmes and resources, and physical and online spaces, that:

  • promote reading for enjoyment and assist with the achievement of schoolwide literacy goals.

  • support inquiry learning and develop students’ research skills to enhance life-long learning.

  • contribute to students’ social and emotional wellbeing by providing a welcoming and safe place for socialising, relaxing, refuge and inspiration.

  • realise the intent of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, incorporating tikanga Māori (Māori values and culturally appropriate behaviours) , mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge) and the principles of kaitiakitanga (guardianship).