Hero photograph
Photo by Office @ Heaton

Andrea Knight, Principal

Andrea Knight —

Kia ora whānau

As an intermediate school, in which half the school’s students change each year, we are very mindful of being very proactive in ensuring an inclusive, positive and supportive culture every new year. We have had several school wide events so far this year that have supported and encouraged Year 7 students in building this Heaton spirit.

Firstly, the mihi whakatau that was held on the first day to welcome new students and staff, was a wonderful way to set the scene for an exciting and fulfilling 2020 for everyone in our school community. Every year we have more families/whānau participate which is wonderful. Thank you to Chrissy Calder, Sonny and Tui for all the organisation and to Kane Crossan for speaking for the manuhiri.

Once again the PTA provided a delicious morning tea. It was great to talk to so many parents/whānau. Thank you so much. The PTA AGM will be held next Monday, 17th February and new members are very welcome. It is a great way to support the school and to be involved in what is happening this year.

On our Fun morning/afternoon held last Friday, the school was awash with colour and creative dress. Students thoroughly enjoyed the various team activities. The water games were, of course, the most popular. Thank you to Tim Evers for all the overall organisation and our staff for their energy and enthusiasm, taking activities that really appealed to and challenged our students to work together in teams.

Next Thursday, 20th February we have an Information/Getting to Know You Evening for all parents/whānau from 7.00- 8.30 pm. The purpose is to let you know about some important developments this year, provide a chance for you to meet with your child’s teacher and meet other parents/whānau and then have a catchup with our staff and other families over some light refreshment. Please RSPV to your child’s teacher.

The following week on Monday, 24 and Thursday 27 February are parent/teacher/student Conferences where you have the opportunity to talk about your own child’s needs in more depth and set goals for the year.

We look forward to see you at these events.

Ngā mihi

Andrea Knight, Principal