Hero photograph
Photo by Boss Phanpho

Room 10 Plastics Inquiry Expo

Boss Phanpho —

Room 10 recently shared their findings on an inquiry they did in Term 2 on the impact of plastics on our environment. This was presented in an expo style for our fellow students, teachers, family and whānau.

It started with reading an article about a pilot whale that had washed up on a beach in Thailand. Marine biologists discovered that the whale had died from consuming over 7.7kg of plastics bags! We were saddened but intrigued by this event and embarked on a journey of discovery to look into the wider impacts that plastics has on our environment.

From the studying the impact on marine life to creating alternatives to plastic products, Room 10 students spent 5 weeks in Term 2 researching their chosen topic. They used analytical skills to ensure that the information they were collecting was both accurate and trustworthy. Then had to think of creative ways to present their findings to their friends, family and whānau.

In addition to the 13 classes that came through the expo, it was great to see so many members of the community stop by. Thank-you for taking the time out of your day to support our students' learning.