Hero photograph
Photo by Sue Sugrue

Christ's College Science Competition, Jarrad Brown

Sue Sugrue —

Congratulations to Lucy - Room 15, Lucy - Room 15, Hadley - Room 4 and Scott - Room 4 who recently won the 2016 Christ's College science competition.

The competition consisted of three 30 minute challenges, each with a biology, chemistry or physics slant. The problems involved the navigation of a drone, analysing a gorilla skeleton and testing a range of chemicals. The students were judged on the quality of their observations, how carefully they recorded their findings and their teamwork.

The final results were:

  • 1st – Heaton Intermediate
  • 2nd – Christchurch South Intermediate
  • 3rd – Cobham Intermediate

Our thanks to Christ's College for a very well run competition and for the generous prize package which included a new microscope for the science lab.