Hero photograph
Photo by Jane Boniface

James Griggs, Tumuaki/Principal

James Griggs —

Tena Koutou Katoa

The term is certainly whizzing by as we enter show week. We have almost completed our enrolment processes with pre-testing, school visits and 1-1 interviews for our incoming students. On the other end of the spectrum I wanted to thank the many young people from our local High Schools who came in to our school and provided sage words of wisdom for our departing year 8's.

As of today our new class block is looking great and is reported to be on time and a January move is looking likely. We have had some delays regarding finding a permanent solution for the drainage issue on our field due to Council requirements and we are continuing to work with them to find a solution that will work for the future. Our hard courts are still scheduled to be installed in the first half of the year as planned and the initial concept for our new technology block has been approved and moving to final design. 

To help our community to buy and sell secondhand uniforms we have created a Facebook page called Heaton Intermediate School Uniform Sales. We will be moderating this page as a safe space to trade with each other over the coming summer break. If you would rather donate your used uniform to school directly, please just drop it to the office as your normally would with our thanks. You may notice that our uniform page on the website has changed slightly with the removal of the distinction between boys and girls uniforms. This is in keeping with international best practice and at the request of our student executive. 

A reminder please that school closes early at 1.30pm on Thursday 17th November for the Paid Union Meeting for the NZEI union. We ask where possible students go home at 1.30pm.  If your child requires supervision at school, this can be provided. Please contact the office to be added to the list of those requiring supervision. Any students NOT on this list will be released at 1.30pm. 

I am pleased to confirm that from 2023 we will have our very own school counsellor, Kelsey Knipshild, on site for three days per week. This is a Board funded initiative to support our students and their wellbeing in recognition of how difficult it can be to access counselling support for those who need it.  

I hope you all have wonderful long show weekend.

Nga mihi nui

James Griggs, Principal