Hero photograph
Photo by Jane Boniface

Heaton Goes Genre Crazy

Jane Boniface —

Amazing and amusing outfits delight at Heaton's Genre Dress Up Day!

Students (and staff) demonstrated both a knowledge of fiction book genres and a willingness to have a bit of fun at Heaton's first ever Genre Dress Up Day on Friday 17th August. Well done to all those who spent some time creating some truly fantastic outfits! 

The purpose of the day was to get students thinking about the range of fiction book genres that are available in the LRC. On the day students completed a short survey, indicating their favourite genres. This will help with future collection development. In the short term, money raised from the Genre Day gold coin donation will be spent buying books from our students top 3 favourite genres: Humorous; Mystery/Action; Adventure/Survival.

Students also voted on how they would prefer the LRC Fiction Collection to be organised on the shelves: Alphabetically by Author (status quo), or by Genre.  There is a growing trend in school libraries around the world to  "genrefy" their fiction collections to make it easier for students to find books they like to read.

62% of our students voted for genrefying the LRC Fiction Collection, and it was 50:50 between the teachers. I am now investigating the finer details of what the process of genrefication would involve for us before making the final decision. Stay tuned!