Hero photograph
Photo by Joan Green

Year 8 Students Reach New Limits as They Scale the Roxx by Sophia, Room 7

Joan Green —

Every year, Heaton Year 8 students have the privilege and opportunity sign up to travel every Tuesday afternoon to the YMCA’s climbing centre in Sydenham, called the Roxx.  

We couldn’t take advantage of this great opportunity without the help of many parents who volunteer to drive to the Roxx and back to school, saving the cost of a bus. Another important partner in the endeavour is Rosiez Collision Repairs, who assist by providing nearby parking for the Heaton van when street parking is scarce.

Every week we get better and better, achieving new heights and even having a go at abseiling, which takes a lot of courage when climbing up, let alone abseiling down. Once down, abseiling gives us all a great feeling of achievement, not just for ourselves, but for everyone who attempts it.

I remember the first time we came to the Roxx and everyone was having mini-conversations, asking each other, “Is this going to be so scary?” or “How are we supposed to climb this?” Now, we’ve all gained so much confidence that we are almost reaching the top of most walls.

Because we belay each other, there’s a huge responsibility to protect the climber. Knowing that your team is belaying, watching, and encouraging really helps each climber reach ever greater heights!

One big advantage that we get handed every week is special rock climbing shoes that help grip onto the smaller holds that are not as easy to cling onto.

Another is the fantastic instructors who are always there, keeping us safe and demonstrating new techniques.

The Roxx really rocks. If you’re looking for an exciting, different activity for Tuesday sport next year, rock climbing may be for you!