Hero photograph
Four Seasons of Lily
Photo by Fiona Taylor

Heaton art in the city

Fiona Taylor —

A number of Heaton students have been selected to have their work on display at Tūranga and the Arts Centre.

Congratulations to Lily room 16 whose drypoint with watercolour was selected to be part of the 'To Ōtautahi with Love' exhibition at the Arts Centre. This opens on November 2nd until January 6th. 

The painting by the Art Enrichment group from 2017 

'Ko mātou te wai' has also been selected for the exhibition



Title: Four Seasons of Lily

I am Lily, a year 7 student at Heaton Normal Intermediate School. For specialist subjects when I found out we did art I was scared, because I always saw art for a chosen few. My art teacher Mrs Taylor proved me completely wrong. All the classes in year 7 in art explore the theme of Tū Pono-our identity. I spent a long time pondering over this at home. Everything on my picture needed to have a meaning. The Lily in the corner represents me, because that's my name. I chose a quote from the Bible because I believe in God. The quote on the right corner, represents living life to its fullest. The love heart and cross represent how someone may be broken but can be fixed through Faith, Hope, and Love. My other 2 flowers represent new life. The road represents life’s journey. The purse was a gift from my grandparents. I did this in NZ sign language week and I decided to sign for Spring, as that is when new life begins, we have amazing flowers and when I was born. 


Oliver room 4, Bella room 18, Issie room 18, Emily room 18 and Mikayla room 19 all have artwork currently on display at Tūranga as part of the SCAPE Re:Activate exhibition


Oliver, Bella, Issie and Emily all had their drawings translated into metal to be part of the winning Junior Sculpture 'Kākahu'.

Mikayla was a finalist in this competition.

'The Flow'

The flow is made of copper metal and Waimak stones and a tree to keep it up.

I think copper is good ‘cause through time it will start to change colour which will give an effect to the project.

For me, it was to show the bond between land and water swirling around the tree to represent Maori culture.

So it would stat at bottom of the koru then get smaller as you get higher in the tree, and hide in the leaves and ends at the top of the tree. So the rocks will go the same way as the koru with big ones at the bottom and small ones at the top.