Hero photograph
Photo by Office @ Heaton

Andrea Knight, Principal

Office @ Heaton —

Kia ora whānau

It is so wonderful to see our new basketball hoops being so well used by our students. As you will be aware we have been unable, due to Ministry of Education requirements, to make any alterations and improvements to our school for several years now so it is so great to see something new and special in our school for our students. Thank you to the PTA for supporting the funding of the hoops and to Craig Robinson, Tim Evers, Anne- Marie Grigg, Dean Terris and Warren Elliot and others for all their work towards making this happen.

Congratulations to the Year 7 Cantamaths team who came fourth in the recent competition and the Year 8 team who came third. Thank you very much to Rachel Bates and all the students involved for all their hard work. We are very proud of you all.

Congratulations also to the three bands who competed in the Bandquest last week. The band: Radio Mayhem won three awards, Rocking Drummer (Jonty, Room 1), Best Female Vocalist (Lilla, Room 5) and the band came second overall. Many thanks to Guy Williams for all his great work with the students.

Thank you very much to the 12 parents who attended our Health Information evening last night. We really appreciate you taking the time to come along and hear about our programme and you asked such great questions. Many thanks to Cara Moginot for organising this evening and to Frances Ryan, our Public Health Nurse and our other staff who supported Cara.

Our thanks to parents/caregivers/whānau who are keeping their sick children at home. We feel that we have turned the corner and sickness levels are dropping. Now we just need some consistently sunny days!

Nga mihi