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Photo by Office @ Heaton

Year 7 Activity Week

Office @ Heaton —

Dear Parents/Whānau/Caregivers

In 2017, Heaton Intermediate School introduced a Year 7 Activity Week to support students getting to know each other and their teachers and to develop a sense of belonging at Heaton. The Year 7 Activity Week replaced the Year 7 camp. The Activity Days have proved to be very popular. At the end of last year, in our letter home to the caregivers of new students, we indicated that the Year 7 Activity Week would cost $90.00.

The original 2017 costings included a day trip to Orana Park, but due to parent feedback that most students had visited the park, we decided to try and find an alternative activity.

In January 2018, our Sports Coordinator managed to secure a booking to Waipara Adventure Centre instead of the Orana Park trip. The cost of buses and the day activity costs at the Waipara Adventure Centre, have meant we had to increase the Activity Week fee to $120.00. Our apologies for the short notice about this change.

If you have any queries please contact Anne-Marie Grigg (grigga@heaton.school.nz).

Andrea Knight, Principal