Ross Cooper — Feb 11, 2022

Hīnau House

Kia ora from Hīnau House. Our house colour is black and the name Hīnau reflects our connection to this colour due to the bark of the Hīnau tree being used in the first stages of producing the black of muka (prepared fibre from harakeke - flax).

The wonderful kaiako in Hīnau House are Gaye Roberts in Room 3, Joan Green in Room 5 and Ross Cooper in Room 2.

"We have had a great start to the year and it is good to be back in Year 8 because we can be with our friends.  There are more opportunities for leadership, extension opportunities are available and we get to be role models for the Year 7 students".

"Things we are looking forward to are the Year 8 Specialist Subjects, Activity Days, gaining leadership opportunities and the sports competitions".